some navel gazing & a bit of shop talk

I’m still adjusting to my evolving schedule.

Wednesday is turning out to be a long day (and hence stress).

I like my work, but am having more fatigue, both mental and physical. Yesterday in addition to 2.5 hours of ballet class I also had a staff meeting at church. In between events I dashed to the Farmers Market to get tomatoes, cukes and peaches.

My rule at work (and sometimes in other parts of my life) is do no harm.

This entails more quiet from Jupe.

I try not to talk or react quickly.

I wonder if this makes my presence more brooding, but can’t help it.

I actually think that people notice I’m in the room less and less as I age.

I also have my basic dang introverted nature to constantly deal with.

When I have to interact with people I can do so pretty well. It just takes a lot out of me.

So Thursdays are shaping up to be good days. One short ballet class, meet with boss, piano trio rehearsal, give a piano lesson, all pleasant things for me.

I just have to get past this  fatigue.


Warning 1 - Click image to download.MUSIC SHOP TALK COMMENT FOLLOWSWarning 1 - Click image to download.

Still plunging head with my study of interp of Bach.  I’m concluding that Bach didn’t use cross rhythms very much.

Instead Badura-Skoda (for one maintains) Bach expected performers to “assimilate” written duple rhythms as triple ones.

“Assimilation” is what Badura-Skoda calls this.  I hadn’t heard that term used in this way before, but it’s quite handy.

Due to my training in performance of French Baroque music which is often played much differently than it is written I have been aware of this possibility for much of my performing life.

I also know that Bach played with a French band of musicians as a young man and would have been exposed to this practice.

But this didn’t convince me that it should be applied with triplets and duplets are mixed.

Badura-Skoda convinced me with his arguments. Badura-Skoda careful examined Bach manuscripts and publications that occurred in his lifetime with his supervision which give evidence. Also there is some pretty convincing internal evidence in some pieces.

Anyway, it’s a working solution which is what a performer needs.


Paging History –

I hate to see the Congressional pages tradition stopped in the House of Representatives.


The Whole Truth and Nothing But –

I quite reading Thomas Friedman when he became such a cheerleader for the Iraq War.  But this article caught my attention.

“So why are democracies failing at the same time?
The simple answer: democracies have also been telling lies.”

Maybe Friedman has learned this from his Iraq experience. I know he is a “Middle East” kind of expert and have even in the past read in his books.


Haiti’s Needless Cholera Deaths –

This kind of thing drives me crazy. Help is available just not being connected with the people who need it.


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