some links, but no pics or long winded prose this time

Spent a good deal of time preparing the following compositions yesterday:

Psalm 110 PDF and Miranda PDF

The text was assigned by Nick Palmer to the group of composers he convened last month. We meet again today. I’m in a rush to get going to attend this, so I don’t have time for my usual fascinating prose and pics (grin).

Instead here are a few links:

Childhood is a branch of cartography.

Most great stories of adventure, from The Hobbit to Seven Pillars of Wisdom, come furnished with a map. That’s because every story of adventure is in part the story of a landscape, of the interrelationship between human beings (or Hobbits, as the case may be) and topography. Every adventure story is conceivable only with reference to the particular set of geographical features that in each case sets the course, literally, of the tale. Manhood for Amateurs: The Wilderness of Childhood by Michael Chabon, New York Review of Books link

Also about geography here’s a fascinatingly weird kooky article about “seasteading” which seems to be a libertarian wet dream of living free of government in communities on the high seas.

Friedman called his theory “dynamic geography.” He remembered a line from his dad’s book The Machinery of Freedom about how differently terrestrial government would behave if everyone lived in trailers and could easily flee state oppression. If land itself could get up and go, the incentive structure of government would change even more, moving it in a libertarian direction.

20,000 Nations Above the Sea: Is floating the last, best hope for liberty? by Brian Doherty Reasononline link

With 16 fun filled days of crazy Michael Jackson, the fact that he was buried without a brain is my favorite story. I had to think of the Scarecrow role in the Wiz….

Michael Jackson to be buried without his brain by Sean Michaels link
The Los Angeles coroner’s office is waiting to run tests on the King of Pop’s brain to help determine the cause of death

Finally from an AP report on Fox news, the word that prison officials have deemed Obama’s books ” ‘potentially detrimental to national security’ and rejected an inmate’s request to read them.” Not making it up…. link

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