sleeping out at easter


I’m not quite as tired as I was yesterday morning. I got up made coffee and pulled out my James Dickey Poems 1957-1967

I find that I turn to certain poems and pieces of music at the same times every year. I usually read this poem around Easter. My copy of Dickey is like the one above but more more worn, since I have had it since the 70s. Anyway, here’s the poem. I put it up on Facebook as well (on the Grace Music Ministry Group page)


All dark is now no more.
The forest is drawing a light.
All Presences change into trees.
One eye opens slowly without me.
My sight is the same as the sun’s,
For this is the grave of the king,
When the earth turns, waking a choir.
All dark is now no more.

Birds speak, their voices beyond them.
A light has told them their song.
My animal eyes become human
As the Word rises out of the darkness
Where my right hand, buried beneath me,
Hoveringly tingles, with grasping
The source of all song at the root.
Birds sing, their voices beyond them.

Put down those seeds in your hand.
These trees have not yet been planted.
A light should come round the world,
Yet my army blanket is dark,
That shall sparkle with dew in the sun.
My magical shepherd’s cloak
Is not yet alive on my flesh.
Put down those seeds in your hand.

In your palm is the secret of waking.
Unclasp your purple-nailed fingers
And the woods and the sunlight together
Shall spring, and make good the world.
The sounds in the air shall find bodies,
And a feather shall drift from the pine-top
You shall feel, with your long-buried hand.
In your palm is the secret of waking,

For the king’s grave turns him to light.
A woman shall look through the window
And see me here, huddled and blazing.
My child, mouth open, still sleeping,
Hears the song in the egg of a bird.
The sun shall have told him that song
Of a father returning from darkness,
For the king’s grave turns you to light.

All dark is now no more.
In your palm is the secret of waking.
Put down those seeds in your hand;
All Presences change into trees.
A feather shall drift from the pine-top.
The sun shall have told you this song,
For this is the grave of the king;
For the king’s grave turns you to light.

—James Dickey


Hollande’s TV Appearance Criticized –

“On a stage set that looked as if it came from a game show, Mr. Hollande, a Socialist, responded to questions”


Mahmoud Abbas Pardons Palestinian Journalist –

This is a follow up to a previous post link. Convicted of a Facebook insult, now the dude is pardoned. Good, but better not to be charged.


Government Fights for Use of Spy Tool That Spoofs Cell Towers | Threat Level |

Our government uses secret tools, eh?


Right-Wing Media Hype NPR’s Myth-Filled Disability Report | Blog | Media Matters for America

The right suddenly loves NPR.


China’s Glass Ceiling – By Geoff Dyer | Foreign Policy

Analysis of limitations of China’s rise to power.


Androids in Amazonia: recording an endangered language

Anecdotal description of taking cell phones into the bush. I watched one of the videos as well.


A Thirsty Oil-Drinking Monster, Animated From Online Maps | Co.Exist: World changing ideas and innovation

I thought this was cool.


Entire library journal editorial board resigns, citing ‘crisis of conscience’ after death of Aaron Swartz | The Verge



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