sleeping in and good news


I slept in late this morning (Thank God!) and then used up my usual blog time editing a final version of my organ transcription of Holst’s “March” from his “Second Suite for Military Band.” I am working on getting two final version of this piece finished, one larger score and one reduced with some repeats. I have simultaneously seriously rehearsed what I have at the organ. This is a bit tricky. My teacher, Ray Ferguson, taught me to work from reduced scores and clever page turn tricks, but made it clear that this needed to come at a certain point in the learning of the piece, namely late enough in the process that one knows the notes and early enough to get used to how one has laid it out so that one can play the whole piece without significant page turns.

Unfortunately, I don’t have the luxury of this kind of extended process since I’m playing the piece in public Sunday.

I plan to both the larger eleven page score and the smaller four page score online here when I get it done.

I’m sitting with Eileen right now in Panera. We had very good news this morning. My brother and his wife signed a deal on a house near Ann Arbor yesterday.

20260 Williamsville Rd, Gregory, MI 48137

It’s in Gregory, Michigan. For all appearances, it is their dream home: acreage with access to woods and a stream, an old lovely house recently restored and high speed internet available. I couldn’t be happier for them. Very very very cool.

I think they will be ensconced there by May. Yay!

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