short and suite

My 60 year old body is a bit sore this morning. I managed to get my Mom set up in her new room, but there is a horrendous mess waiting for me in her old room. I have tons of stuff to sort through, saving what she needs and getting rid of the rest. That’s tomorrow.

Today I have pretty full schedule. Class at 9:30, meet with boss at 11, then back to my Mom’s nursing home. This time to play a little mini concert. I could probably pull of the Debussy piece I have been practicing, but I think I’m going to play music that I know a bit more thoroughly and can do in this exhausted state. So they will get Bach and Mozart for their classic portions. Maybe a Scarlatti piece. All stuff I play regularly at weddings and funerals. Good stuff. In addition. I will play pop music from the forties and of course we will sing hymns.

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