Yesterday I did a lot. I went to the Farmers Market. Dropped by Mom’s and picked up her books (found her missing remote control for her hearing aid). I prepared a nice outdoor lunch spot for Eileen and me, rinsed lettuce and chopped veggies and sliced cooked chicken (for Eileen) and laid it all out for us to build ourselves a salad. We sat outside and enjoyed a meal with each other.
After lunch I went to the library and turned in Mom’s old books, picked out some new ones and dropped them off for her. Went to church and practiced organ. Came home and decided to lay out the fixings for supper before I treadmilled. This meant rinsing rice and putting it in a pot with the requisite water and sitting it on a burner to await turning on. I also chopped up a bunch of veggies including a copious amount of onion greens. Exercised, showered, then began making an excellent veggie/black bean curry fry. Yum. Turned on the rice while doing this. After it was all ready, Eileen was still upstairs weaving so I made myself a martini and sat in the back yard and read David Byrne’s How Music Works.
What Happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 –
This is the clearest outline of what is being reported about this incident I have seen.
At Long Last, Justice for Ronnie White –
The subject of a smear campaign finally gets a judgeship.
Rebooting ISEE-3: Space for All –
Civilians go around NASA and do some fascinating stuff.
Needing Skilled Workers, a Booming Germany Woos Immigrants –
This article got me thinking about the percentage of people who have college degrees.
Educational attainment in the United States – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This Wikipedia article seems to indicate about 30 % of US citizens have college degrees. I wonder what this means to the devolving public rhetoric in our country. I have always noticed that people who have degrees are no more likely to be informed and educated than those without them. For me, degrees have value only when earning them involved actual learning. My degrees mean something because I worked hard and learned a ton when I went to college. Not always the case.