rilly on vacation

Used my son’s fancy grill yesterday to make grilled pesto pizza.

Didn't take pics. But they looked something like this.

Used this recipe for the dough: link to dough recipe It was fun to cook in my son’s fancy kitchen. Plus his grill is also pretty fancy. I was able to use different temps to initially grill the dough and then by shifting it to another area on the grill allow the cheese to melt and dough continue to cook over a milder temp. Very cool. link to suggestions I used to grill pizza Made 6 little pesto pizzas and 2 little tomato sauce ones.

Listened to President Obama’s speech this morning on an NPR site as I lay in bed. link to page with stream of the speech Then got up and accompanied my daughter-in-law to the gym and did some treadmilling. She has a membership and my son printed up a free pass. They gave me another free pass so I can return while I’m visiting.

On page 90 of this the second volume.

Nicholas my grand-son furnished me with volume 2,3, & 4 of the Fablehaven series. I don’t think I will finish all of these but I will read in them while visiting.

Managed to sun burn my belly in the pool yesterday. I guess I’m really on vacation.

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