reprieve for jupe



Yesterday I called to confirm my doctor’s appointment on Friday. The person answering the phone informed me that it had been canceled. As near as I can figure out, when I called to cancel my appointment on July 26 because I was going to be in California, the person on the phone seems to have canceled the appointment for this Friday instead. This would account for the multiple letters I received from the lab about not showing up for a scheduled blood draw. The blood draw was actually the main reason I called yesterday.

Now I am feeling immaturely jubilant that I don’t have to go to the doctor the day after tomorrow. More time to fret over losing weight. Rescheduled for October.

I canceled my meeting with Jen and my piano lesson with Rudy. We are now planning to spend another evening here in Unadillo. Presumably Eileen and Mark will traipse over to Forma’s to buy some yarn this afternoon.


My laptop healed itself somehow. I managed to shut it off by holding the blinking green light until it stopped. Then I let it cool. When I pressed the on button, it booted up. Go figure.

I was feeling so liberated yesterday that I skipped doing any planning for the upcoming choral season. I’m thinking I might do that today. I would like to finish Testimony: Memoirs of Dmitri Shostakovich. I only have about forty pages to go in it. I love to sit around and read while I’m relaxing. I have also been reading Alex Ross’s Listen to This and Viet Thanh Nguyen’s The Sympathizer. 

I haven’t been doing too much reading in the paper. So no links again today.

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