remembering old friends and organizing my book collection




It has been fun to have my grandson, Nicholas, visiting. For some reason, I have been thinking of the many lost friendships I have had over the years. I resist falling into self pity about this stuff as much as possible, but there’s no denying that I miss the intimacy of friendship with many people who are still living but have chosen to shun me or keep me at a comfortable distance.

I was thinking of one friendship yesterday as we walked the beach of Lake Michigan. When I was not too much older than Nicholas and attending Flint University of Michigan, I can remember skipping classes and driving to the northern shores of Lake Huron with a friend. We drove all night and arrived in the late dawn. We put our sleeping bags on the beach and laughed and joked and dozed. It’s a good memory for me.

The feeling of distance between me and others that I have had as friends over the years is indeed bitter sweet. I try to think about the sweetness of the memories and let the bitterness go.

I made some serious headway yesterday in organizing my books. I worked both on the main floor which houses mostly music books


and the second floor where the bulk of my books is housed.


I am both grouping books in spine out sections and also doing some more careful alphabetizing. Eileen told me that she figured at some point I would get inspired to work on this. It was inspiring to see the books of my brother recently. I recognized many of them like old friends and admired the idea that they were spine out waiting to be further organized.

I’m not sure I can finish this job quickly. Nicholas asked me how long I thought it would take me to do so, I laughed and said I didn’t know, but quite a while.

As Beijing Becomes a Supercity, the Rapid Growth Brings Pains – NYT

This article begins with a description of elderly people saving a place in line for their adult kids. I recall that some Chinese have no respect for standing in line. When we were at the Beijing airport (the domestic side not the international) it was startling how people pushed in front of you while you politely waited in line.

Those Who Would Remake Myanmar Find That Words Fail Them – NYT

Fascinating story about how the lack of certain words in the local language shape thinking and understanding.

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