religious jupe posts goofy memes on facebooger


I sometimes chafe at having a religious background, but there are many times it has been helpful to me. Oddly, enough it helps with reading Finnegans Wake, Joyce draws heavily on the Jacob/Esau story, as well as many Old Testament stories.

I am blogging in the late afternoon on Tuesday. Eileen and I have played two games of Boggle today (one after Breakfast and one after Lunch). She had her hair done and went grocery shopping. I practiced organ. I’m looking forward to spending the rest of the day with her. We will walk over to my Mom’s.

I find myself making “Memes” for Facebooger.

Here is one I didn’t put up yet.



You’ll notice there is no space between “where” and “a.” REJECT! I didn’t have time to redo it. It’s not as simple as editing the text. I have to complete redo the written part.

Here’s another that I did post

I am more and more convinced that without people being incredible aware of their own stuff, it’s practically impossible to have a thoughtful productive conversation on social media.


You’ll notice the source is the same in these memes. I finished Turkle’s Reclaiming Conversation a few days ago and have been typing up my notes. As I run across insights and cool stuff, it’s hard not to make one of these meme things.

Well Eileen is waiting for me to finish so we can walk to my Mom’s. Ta ta for now!

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