
Here are a few links and citations of what I have been reading lately, mostly online.

Classical Music Takes Center Stage at the White House by Anthony Thomasini (link)

Besides the inspiring story about the musicians young and old I especially like the part where Joshua Bell makes a public musical goof and is unfazed. Very cool. And encouraging.

Premium Harmony by Stephen King (link)

A new short story in the new New Yorker by Stephen King which shows that men are basically scum. I think King is a good writer despite his rep as a Kmart kind of guy.

John Burns on Karzai, Corruption and Afghanistan (link)

Scroll down through the reader questions/comments and read Burns insightful and informed take on Karzai and the Afghanistan situation.

Msttislav  Rstropovich sat his cello down and played music to celebrate the fall of the Berlin Wall.

France is doing a musical tribute in both his honor and the occasion of the demise of the wall.

“France to Mark Fall of Berlin Wall with Musical Tribute” by Katrin Bennhold (link)

“Where the Swearing is All About Context” by Marc Lacy (link)

While I admit I have been reading my hard copy of this novel, it is available online (link). I am finding the first 150 pages very rewarding and straight forward to read.

I have finished the “Look” section and am reading the “Listen” section. I don’t agree with this dude all the time. In one sentence he compares rock to Beethoven. Unfavorably, of course. I think this might be apples and oranges. But I do find his analogies and insights thought provoking.

I can  never figure out if many people actually read stuff and listen to music and look at art.

Here’s hoping

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