reading poetry in the morning


Image result for derek walcott omeros

My copy of Derek Walcott’s Omeros arrived in the mail yesterday. I read a chapter in it last night. This morning I got up, did dishes and Greek, then I read poetry for a while. In addition to two books of Walcott poems, I am reading books of poetry by the poets, Hayden Carruth (Last Poems), Marianne Boruch (Eventually One Dreams the Real Thing), Ishion Hutchinson (House of Lords and Commons), and Stephen Dunn (Whereas). I find it a pleasant way to start the day.

I did manage to walk almost three miles yesterday while Eileen was in Whitehall. That was good. Eileen is still sleeping but will probably get up soon. Then we will have breakfast and go to church. I am going to have stop here so that I can be prepared for church.

The Problem with Poetry Students, and Other Lessons from Derek Walcott – The New Yorker

Suspiciously, this link was on my morning Google news feed with the question: “Interested in Derek Walcott? yes no” The internet gods are watching. It’s weird when they get it right and often funny when they don’t.

For Trump, no closing this deal –

This was at the top of my Google news feed. It’s an interesting inside look at personalities a la Bob Woodward.

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