
It’s beautiful outside today. I made pancakes for Eileen and me for breakfast. I poked around changing a few things on the site. I made the “jupiterjenkins.com” at the top of the site a link so that if you go to a permalink you can always get back to the main site with it. Also added So Many Books to my links. I was pleasantly surprised when the writer of this book blog added me to her site links. I thought I would link back even though I already have it on my RSS feeds on my Google homepage.

Usually these WordPress templates come with a very easy way to add links. When I first started using this particularly theme I messed with it quite a bit and seemed to have deleted that part of the code. Oops. So now when I add a link I have to go into the html and do it by hand. Otherwise I would probably add more since I surf all over the web and have found lots of interesting links. I do usually mention them in my daily blog.

Eileen and I have some serious nothing to do today.

Yesterday after church I was exhausted. It drives me a little crazy that church takes such a toll on me. I played a complete partita on “Veni Creator” by Mary Beth Bennett.

It’s very modern and fun to play. I played five movements (they’re very short) in the prelude and the finale for the postlude. I rehearsed this stuff and played it pretty much as well as I could. That takes energy.

My boss forgot to acknowledge the choir on their last Sunday so I raised my hand during the length announcements and thanked them. She chimed in and the cong applauded (I’m not big on applause).

The choir’s morale was pretty high yesterday. Always nice to end on a good note so to speak. We did an Irish sounding thing with Pentecost words. It had a fiddle obligatto admirably executed by one of the church violinists.

Eileen and I ended the day watching “Manhattan Murder Mystery” on the Netflix stream.

We thought we had seen this Woody Allen movie before but it was all new to me.

Recently we watched “A Touch of Evil” by Orson Welles. I think this is a good movie but I guess I’m kind of a Welles fan.

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