quick pre church post

I don’t have much time before I have to walk over to church.

I am feeling pretty happy that both the funeral home and the community theater saw fit to give me a check right after services. How nice. This means I have more money to pay bills Monday.

Today is another long day for me. After the funeral yesterday morning I was pretty wasted. Playing church takes way too much out of me. I ended up improvising several minutes on Vruechten (sp?). The former organist and my wife sat through this improv while I waited for mourners to finally empty the church. They were very complimentary.  Which was nice because I had bad moments in both Bach and Mathias. Oh well.

Another funeral this afternoon. Plus I have to do my final rehearsal with the choir before All Saints. And I am expecting several unannounced absences this morning due to the involvement of people in the community theater musical. The director was too ill to sing a solo at yesterday’s funeral. I got a note from her that if she is well she will be there this morning, if not not.  This is fair, but I’m not sure I’m going to be able to pull of William Byrd without a quorum.

Then after all of this another funeral.

This week will be busy as well with rehearsals for Oklahoma on M, T and Th. Yikes.

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