quick post before another full day

I need to keep it brief today because I have another busy day ahead of me.

I accomplished quite a bit yesterday. I met my Mom’s psych nurse when we dropped by to invite Mom to have lunch with Eileen and me at the cafeteria where she lives. I also had Mom sign a release form for the pain doctor and dropped that off.

After lunch with Mom, I went over to the church and chose several anthems from the extensive library of choral music there.

So now we have some more excellent music to prepare. I decided we should sing “Create in Me” by Brahms for Ash Wed.

It’s the first movement of the piece. Here’s a video of the full piece. We are only singing the slow beginning section. I quite like what follows. we will sing it in English.

Also planning to sing “Adoramus Te, Christe” by Mozart for the first Sunday in Lent. I had chosen a much simpler adaptation of Mozart but I think “Adoramus Te” is lovely and it was sitting in the files.

This is the best video of it I could find. This indicates that it is erroneously attributed to Mozart. If that’s the case it doesn’t diminish my estimation of the it. I still think it’s a decent little piece.

After choosing music, I played a ballet class. Came home and did more phoning and connecting with Mom’s health care providers.

The young player I am accompanying this morning had arranged for a 5:30 rehearsal, but he canceled at the last minute.

I was both disappointed (for his sake) and relieved (for mine). Eileen and I decided to go for drinks and dinner. We always seem to find each other’s company relaxing after a tough day. And the martinis don’t hurt either, heh.


Violins, Old and New – NYTimes.com

Interesting letter from a violinist.


Mike Kelley, Influential American Artist, Dies at 57 – NYTimes.com

Mike Kelley and Michael Smith, Installation view of A Voyage of Growth and Discovery, 2009.


Dorothea Tanning, Surrealist Painter, Dies at 101 – NYTimes.com

Family by Dorothea Tanning


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