quick blog post


I’m trying to ease back into doing more work each week. In addition to my usual church stuff this week I am playing with the Holland Symphony Orchestra Saturday at their outdoor pop concert. Yesterday I discovered a couple of pieces that I hadn’t identified as challenging and read through for the first time yesterday. They are doing several Latin pieces. The keyboard part seems important in them and has some rhythms I will practicing right up until performance.

I realized that executing them on the synth they provide will be different and a bit easier than doing it on the actually piano. I can tell from the way previous performers marked the music that I’m not the first person to leave out octaves in order to make exposed parts more playable.

I am meeting with Judith Meyer the manager of the symphony in a few minutes to check out the synth I will be playing Saturday. This is just a precaution that I don’t get something thrown at me in rehearsal that I don’t know how to run.

That’s all I have time for today!

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