quick blog


I need to do a quick blog today. I’m up a bit late and I have to go see Doctor Birky in about an hour.  Maybe tomorrow I write about yesterday’s gig. For today here’s some links that have been piling up.

A Distant Glance | A travel log for an intraspective journey – Phil Harrington

This is the blog of the Methodist minister who sings in my choir. I have only read the entry from December 15th. I think he started this blog when he took a hiatus from the ministry.

The Perfect Weapon: How Russian Cyberpower Invaded the U.S. – The New York Times

A long recent article detailing history of foreign cyber warfare.

Protests Erupt in Poland Over New Law on Public Gatherings – The New York Times

If I understand this correctly, this is more of the repression coming from the right.

Pageant Silences Beauty Queen, a Critic of China, at U.S. Contest – The New York Times

The pageant has changed its tune a bit since this report. however, it’s worth reading for the weird way China tries to control situations in other countries.

Donald Trump’s Nominees Are In for a Rough Ride – The New York Times

There is no law about vetting a president. There are however laws about vetting most government officials including the president’s new group.

How Trump Can Avoid the Ethical Tar Pit – The New York Times

Judicial Watch, the source of this article, is, I believe, a right leaning organization. They still want Trump to divest.

Buck Up, Democrats, and Fight Like Republicans – The New York Times

Like Republicans in 2000, that is. A useful comparison of how partisans react to losing.

Democratic House Candidates Were Also Targets of Russian Hacking – The New York Times

This follows the longer report on national subversion by Russians above. Who knew they were taking such a close interest in this stuff.


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