postlude conversation

During the postlude yesterday, a large elderly lady came up to me and began yelling, trying to engage me in conversation. This is always simultaneously amusing and baffling. The piece was a bit complicated, lots of quick notes that moved in interesting and unpredictable ways. At one point, I raised a hand with one finger pointed up and quickly said, “Just a minute.”

As I finished playing I vaguely wondered in the back of my mind if someone who would try to talk to a musician as he was playing would have the attention span to wait two minutes while he finished the piece.

It turns out this lady did. She asked me if I was from something like “Invasion Haven.” I said no. Then she asked me if I had ever heard of the phrase. I admitted that I had not. She said it was a gospel group from Benton Harbor with men who had beards and long hair.

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The last hymn which we had just sang was “There’s a Sweet, Sweet Spirit in this Place” by Doris Akers, a gospel tune. I had played gospel piano accompaniment and apparently had reminded this elderly visitor of a group from Benton Harbor, Michigan. I can’t actually remember the name she yelled at me (she continued yelling even after I stopped playing, but it was noisy with the post service chats going on). I googled gospel music and Benton Harbor but didn’t recognize any of the names. It’s possible it was “Invasion Haven,” but I think it was something different but equally goofy.

Thus ended my 2010-11 choir season.


Don’t Quit This Day Job –

I found this article pretty frustrating and narrow. Karen Sibert, an anesthesiologist believes strongly that doctors should not have private lives, they should be totally dedicated to their patients. “Part-time doctor” is a contradiction in terms to her. I found the whole thing annoying and coming from a different place in life than I am.

I particularly found it annoying that she felt that the government’s subsidization of medical education was being short changed by women who went part time as doctors to have a life.

Ay yi yi.

By reducing doctors’ vocations and lives to implied transactions and responsibilities as this person does, seems to me to actually perpetuate stereotypes and dehumanization she ostensibly opposes.

Jes sayin.


Entering Darkness by Sam Anderson –

Article on caves. Starts with a description of a new movie by Werner Herzog. Good writing.


Watch Documentaries and Animated Films Online –

A Canadian friend put this link on Facebook. It’s the National Film Board of Canada and he says there’s lot of interesting stuff there. Haven’t poked around in it.


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