possibly going offline until July 8


Eileen came back a bit earlier yesterday than she said she would so that was a nice surprise. She was of course exhausted. I had completed all (well most) of my little tasks that needed doing prior to leaving for the cabin in Grayling . We relaxed and chatted for the evening.

The week at the cabin will most likely be an Internet fast.

I know, I know. You read a lot about people needing to get away from the Interwebs, how they can’t seem to stop themselves from checking their email every thirty seconds. I don’t use the internet quite like that. For me, it will mean no New York Times and no Oxford English Dictionary for a few days.

I have been putting music on this laptop and am planning to take my good computer speakers (which do sound very good to me) for listening (especially when cooking). I plugged in my exterior hard drive where I have much of my music stored and copied a few things. I downloaded Amazon’s new “Cloud Player” which actually works well and pulled down several albums I have purchased there.

I also purchased a copy of an album I have been listening to on Spotify (It’s good-bye to Spotify for a while).

I was reading about Bach’s Musical Offering and realized I didn’t know that much about the music itself. I played through the first 3 part Ricarcare and remembered that I loved it. Started playing through it and listening to the wonderful setting by the illustrious  Capella Istropolitana. I do love fugues and what not when played by a group of instruments. I took the Musical Offering along to church yesterday and sneaked in a little bit of playing one of the trio movements on the organ. Very cool music. So I thought I would want to continue listening (and playing… I’m taking my electric piano) during vacation.

And I’m planning on taking some ebooks and printed books with me.

But speaking of exiling myself from the Interwebs, I discovered a pretty interesting web site this morning.


I have been dipping into Finnegans Wake recently. This morning I was wondering how much I had read in it. It looks like I have read most of it judging from the little penciled notes in my copy. I have outlined much of it and was wondering if there was some good material online I might copy. I was anticipating having to be offline and started poking around and found FWEET (pronounced like sweet with a lisp).

I was charmed and even downloaded the font that would allow Joyce’s use of sigla.

It really looks like a fun and extensive site. Of course I find it the day I will be going offline.

I may be able to blog depending upon if I drive into Grayling (like I did last time). I am hoping I will be able to read the New York Times on my phone since this will be my first cabin visit with my smart phone. I know that Emily had difficulty getting reception with her cell phone last year but don’t know what provider she uses.

Anyway, I am looking forward to some serious goofing off with or without internet

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