poetry helps


So. Yesterday was a whirlwind for me. I slept poorly on Saturday night. Eileen and I walked to the morning church service. I am thinking I need to get there earlier and do more playing because the last two Sundays I have felt a bit blurry. Fortunately, I didn’t commit the major faux pas of the previous Sunday.

I am still pondering how yesterday went. Last night I was mostly thinking like a freshman and replaying my mistakes. I didn’t nail the organ pieces the way I wanted to. But with a dash of willed perspective I could see that both the church service and recital went very well.

But it wasn’t until this morning that I realized how complimentary people were to me all day. I just didn’t hear it. I’ll write more about it, I’m sure. But for today my task is once again to try to relax and gain as much perspective as I can.

Poetry helps.

Why Women where to buy valium in bangkok Aren’t C.E.O.s, According to Women Who Almost Were – The New York Times

I have been pondering how privileged white males and what this means in how I relate to my wife. This article provided some good beginnings of conversation for us. It’s a long article but worth the time. I also enjoyed the comments (I tend to just view the New York Times picks).

Mustache Intact, Salvador Dalí’s Remains Are Exhumed in Paternity Suit – The New York Times


How the Modern World Made Cowards of Us All – The New York Times

This is another one of those articles that is built on understanding specific words. I love it.

Chilling Fervor: This Week’s 8 Best Classical Music Moments on YouTube – The New York Times

I love these kinds of collections. I haven’t listened to any yet and I probably will not listen to them all, but it’s still interesting.

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