please let us know so others vill not haff this problem

Aha! I outfoxed the site on behalf of my puzzle-playing wife.

New York Times recentlhy began featuring the puzzle called Kenken which seems to be sort of a soduko with math equations. When I saw it, I instantly went to the kenken site via a NYT link and signed up for their newsletter and downloaded a bunch of puzzles (without answers) and printed them out for my wife, Eileen.

Of course, she had already heard of kenkens and immediately bbegan solving them. Yesterday she hit a glitch on a particularly hard one and I went back to see if I could download the answers. I had noticed them but hadn’t downloaded them thinking I could always get back.

Not so. I backtracked into my history and couldn’t find the stupid stupid answers. It looks like Kenken changed their “free online puzzles” from a huge zipped file of twenty or so puzzles to six puzzles. I fussed with it for a while and couldn’t even access the previous file I had downloaded. I emailed their “helpful” info email address. 

I went back through my downloads and noticed that the url for the orginal file was something like (I did this on the other computer so if you try to get these and fail, let me know and I’ll double check the url). I copied this url into the browser url line and changed “puzzles” to “Answers” and lo and behold it worked. AHA!

In the meantime I received a very weird response from the kenken help people which was of course no help at all but was sneakily trying to figure out how I originally accessed the first file (I can’t remember).

Dear Stephen,

Somehow it seems you have accessed an archived file from an old newsletter.  If you remember how you arrived at it, please let us know so others will not have this problem.

Attached are some puzzles with answers for you to print out.  We apologize for the inconvenience.  

KenKen Customer Care

Riiiight! I have difficulty with any robot or person that signs themselves “sincerely” and then uses “Customer Care” in the signature. Ahem. I believe I know what “Customer Care” is a euphemism for….. having been screwed over and over by stores, banks, churches… you name it…. by the “Customer Care” department. Heh. 

Also here are some silly links I used yesterday:

850 Billion, 1588 pages, and counting…somebody needs to read it!

This seems to be Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s official blog:

According to it went down recently when citizens were directed to it to actually read the new stimulus bill. In their words, “Go figure.” Heh

Also found this: 

  a site that specializes in getting resources into the hands of citizens. It linked me into this:


where I found this:

I linked to this via youtube but there are tons of cool old government videos at this link. (Hint: if my video doesn’t work for you… trying using a different browser …. I couldn’t get it to work in my Chrome browser but it did work on Explorer…. )

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