missing edison and some new music

Eileen has left to spend the day with our friend, Barb Phillips, in Kalamazoo. She is sure to enjoy that. I love living with her but a day alone is usually a good thing for me if they don’t come too often.

I’m still processing Edison’s death. I find myself listening for his meow. The routine for me to is to get up and feed him first thing. Then I spent the rest of the day trying to keep an ear out for his meow since he has been living in a confined area in the basement. There is some relief mixed with grief. In this case, the relief is not having to factor in his care if we leave town.

I chatted with Stephen Rumler yesterday when I went to pick up my congas. Then last night I had church dreams about people who have not been in my dreams for a while. Sheesh.

I loaned Elizabeth my nylon string guitar and a bunch of songbooks yesterday. It was good to see her and Alex. I think my stock with Alex rose a bit after we spent time playing with the marimba and the harpsichord. She also favored us with a dance as she sang her song of nonsense syllables. This was quite charming to me. When they were leaving she hugged and kissed me twice. This is new behavior.

I admit I am blogging to get it out of the way so I can leisurely read and practice for the rest of the day. I have been having some thoughts about composing again but so far haven’t succumbed. This morning I listened to some of the albums recommended on the All Songs Considered podcast.

l liked these people. I stopped listening to the podcast to put on music of 2021 they were recommending. I was surprised to enjoy it. Cool.

saying good bye to Edison the cat

Just as we expected, Edison did not live through the night. Eileen thought he had stopped breathing last night but I thought I could detect a shallow breath the last time I visited him before going to bed. Eileen and I toasted him last night. He was an amazing cat and a great companion. I will miss him sorely.

I contacted Elizabeth and asked how to proceed today since Alex and she were coming over. She told me to go ahead and take Edison’s body to the vet (our normal procedures for our animals when they die).

So this morning after breakfast Eileen and I took him to the vet. I put him on a clean blanket in a box. I explained to him that we did the best we could taking care of him. Hey, I know he was dead but I talk to dead beings all the time. I think he had a good life.

Alex was sad according to Elizabeth. She did ask me what we did with Edison. I explained and it seemed to be satisfactory for her.

Alex was pumped to see all my new music toys.

I took over thank you cards to the staff members of Grace who moved my harpsichord for me. While I was there I chatted up Stephen Rumler, the new music guy. I was able to use a Bob Goldthwaite joke on him (“I didn’t lose my job. I know where it is. You’re just doing it now.”)

I loaded my congas into the Subaru and brought them home. Even better, I located scores that I thought I had brought home. Stuff by Frescobaldi and the Gabriellis. I was so very happy to find these scores. I have playing Frescobaldi off IMSLP which is a bit more frustrating than you might think.

After lunch, Elizabeth went off to her meeting and Alex and I went up to the music room. She probably told twenty times that she was really enjoying herself messing with the instruments. I do like to show people stuff like this.

Eileen had fun re-assembling some of the parts of the harpsichord yesterday.

My harpsichord is largely out of adjustment and many notes don’t work yet. But Alex got the demo and played.

I cannot believe I almost left my congas at Grace and didn’t keep them.

She also liked my congas. But the real hit was the marimba. I love having a kid tell me how much she likes something to which I can sincerely and wholeheartedly respond, me too!

The marimba is old and clunky but actually works a bit better than the harpsichord does right now. And of course it sounds like a marimba which is great!

Another day of highs and lows.

Alex and Elizabeth return home to Jeremy this evening.

Eileen has spent a lot of time reading to Alex today. I think having to watch her for Elizabeth was therapeutic for both of us.