overheating computers and solitude


My laptop may be on its last legs. It did a thermal shutdown last night as I was using it. I left it to cool overnight and it’s working now (I’m writing this blog on it). It came on with a death rattle like sound. It’s still my preferred way to interact with the internet for the most part. I will be sorry to see it go.

Today I have four rehearsals beginning with one with my friend Jordan VanHemert at 10 AM. He is playing this weekend and that will be fun. Then the piano trio is scheduled to rehearse. I took Nicholas to the church last Thursday thinking he would be able to watch and listen to us rehearsal but no one showed. I must have canceled since I saw the cellist at church and she said she would see me today. So at least I will get a chance to rehearse with her.

I haven’t been practicing as much as I was before the California trip. I will probably ease back into that. I do want to continue to organize my books. I am finding it very satisfying. But it does take time.

It is calming to have made it through my six month check up. I was anxious about it. I haven’t been exercising and have been having a martini every night. Time to get back to exercising and losing weight.

I am embracing my solitude. Thomas Merton is helping. Of course my solitude is not real solitude the way a trappist monk does it. I have the companionship of my wife and do connect to people like my daughters and my boss. But I do feel a sense of aloneness in the way I see most of life. I am reading Merton’s essay, “Notes for a Philosophy of Solitude.” Here’s a quote.

“Even though he may be physically alone, the solitary remains united to others and lives in profound solidarity with them, but on a deeper and mystical level.” Thomas Merton


I don’t feel quite as mystical as Merton does, but this does relate to the way I seek the companionship of authors and composers through their work. It always reminds me of Mortimer J. Adler’s idea of conversation of ideas between books. Thank goodness for this. It keeps me as sane as I am (which may not that sane!).

The Only Realistic Way to Fix Campaign Finance – The New York Times

This is by one of my heroes, Lawrence Lessig. He continue to attempt to fix our broken country. I am for it.

Buddy Buie, Producer and Hit-Making Songwriter, Dies at 74 – The New York Time

Helped write “Spooky,” the song that taught me some cool chords.

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