
Yikes! Woke up this morning and looked hard at what I did to the harpsichord yesterday and figured out I screwed up most of it. I mistook the board that was used to pack the lower register guide for a support I was supposed to salvage from the old instrument. I glued the lower register guide to this board and mounted it on the inside of the instrument drilling new holes for the screws. This is wrong.

Actual photo of incorrectly glued lower jack rail
Actual photo of incorrectly glued lower jack rail

Eileen figured this out last night while we were watching TV.

This is the old lower jack rail. I was supposed to strip off the piece with the holes in it, and use the other parts. Oops.
This is the old lower jack rail. I was supposed to strip off the piece with the holes in it, and use the other parts. Oops.

She couldn’t convince herself we did this wrong, but this morning in the clearer light of day I know that we did. We will either have to find a way to undo this or order new parts. I will talk to Eileen about this.

I know this is a bit fuzzy. But this is another angle of the wrong board. Sheesh.
I know this is a bit fuzzy. But this is another angle of the wrong board. Sheesh.

Also, I mis-glued the two small wooden reinforcing blocks in the wrong way on either end of the upper register. This morning it looks like the way I glued them would block two jacks, one on either end.


The instructions said to glue them “flush,” which I did. However they should have been perpendicular to the register and I glued them parallel blocking a hole on either end.

The incorrectly glued little piece of wood blocks the slot where the jacks should go through.
The incorrectly glued little piece of wood blocks one of the slots where the jacks should go through.

Bah.  It was silly to give myself a time deadline (my Aug 5th gig) for having the harpsichord refurbished.

So you get an idea of how small this thing is. Again, wrong.
Put next to a screwdriver you get an idea of how small this thing is. Again, wrong.

I’m not hopeful about undoing what I have done. I am hoping they can sell me a new upper and lower milled register guide (probably pretty expensive) alone with new reinforcement blocks to do correctly. Of course this will have to wait until tomorrow if not Tuesday. Maybe Eileen and I can find a way to work ahead on the jacks themselves.

I also worked on “Dead Man’s Pants.”

I discovered a measure has been missing from the final section, “You must be the animal.” Somehow it never made it into any Finale file. I only found the original in an initial pencil draft. Happily it is now inserted in the proper place.

Finale screenshot 8

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0 thoughts on “oops

  1. The wood looks like mahogany, but maybe oak. Do you know the wood? I may have some wood in my possession the could be duplicated for your jack rail.

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