Online Movie Sites

Several online movie sites were mentioned this weekend in the New York Times:


Apparently, these sites have movies that you can’t get on DVD or Netflix. I haven’t played around with them yet. They do cost money and according to the articles they often have their own proprietary software to watch movies on your computer (sooprise). But I do like the idea of being able to access obscure movies. They sometimes are the more interesting ones to me.

Info is in the following NYT articles. I think you need to be an online subscriber to read these.

The Shape of Cinema, Transformed at the Click of a Mouse by A. O. Scott NYT 3/18/07

The Revolution Will Be Downloaded (If You are Patient) by Manohla Dargis 3/18/07

Little Films on Little Screens (But both seem set to grow) by Noah Robischon 3/18/07

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