one more day


This morning is like a last sprint of a marathon. Except I’m not as tired as that. I think periodic resting throughout the last week has helped me.

Yesterday’s morning service went well. The anthem, “Alleluia! Christ is Risen” by William Mathias, was written for the organist, Fred Swann. The organ part is flashy if not difficult. I am trained to conduct from the console (as organists say when them mean covering both the organ accompaniment and conducting a choral piece). But it requires a lot of prep. Saturday found  me making photocopies and doing final score prep which involves some careful consideration of when I turn pages, lift my hand to conduct, and other things.

This and the weeks of rehearsal paid off yesterday. We pretty much nailed the Mathias. The psalm and the postlude also went well. These three things were probably the remaining challenges for me for Hell week. I managed to fluff different measures in the Widor (the postlude). And the fluffing was not severe. I don’t know why I aim for a perfect performance of this piece. Some of it is its perpetual mobile nature which is best served by a note perfect performance. Anyway, I pulled of the measures I messed up Saturday night on Sunday morning. Always a good sign.

After that we jumped in the car and drove to Eileen’s Mom’s house for the annual Hatch egg hunt.

Eileen’s Mom has some new contraptions that have restored her quality of life. Her failing eyesight had prohibited many of her previously satisfying activities like knitting, crocheting, reading, and watching TV.

Using one machine she can do most on that list now with some ease. She has been declared legally blind and somehow this helped facilitate purchasing this machine and her TV glasses.




1. Night – Robinson Jeffers

I have added Robinson Jeffers poems to my morning reading lately. I liked this one.

2. Breaking Proud Tradition, Captains Flee and Let Others Go Down With Ship – NYTim

Following this story a bit.

3. A 12-Year-Old’s Trek of Despair Ends in a Noose at the Border –

This is heartbreaking to me. 12 year old suicide. I have known some teens who killed themselves but never this young.

4. Does Traditional College Debate Reinforce White Privilege? – Jessica Carew Kraft –

This controversy is fascinating to me. I identify with both sides of the argument.

5. Jesus had a sex life: Gay and straight | Gay Star News

Bookmarked to read. Seems inevitably a bit sketchy but still fun Easter Week reading.

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