Okay I think I like this one

Here I am holding Elizabeth. She's the one who helped me with the web site. Of course this is a few years ago. Ain't she cute? Hell, ain't I?

After goofing around a bit, I think I like this set-up. Seems to be pretty clear and easy on the eyes.?

I just had a frustrating ten or fifteen minutes trying to help Eileen buy a loom on Ebay. They let me buy it, but kept telling me to pay the seller. Could NOT figure it out. There was a button in the confirmation email that said Pay Now. I clicked on it and of course it took me to a frame that said it couldn’t process that request right now.

Just like my song, I’m opening with tonight: “Deja Vu.”  In the second verse I will sing about clicking on a “song and crash,  call customer service once again.” Life imitates art.

It’s been a good day. Besides getting help cleaning up the ol web site, I had an email from a very old friend which cheered me up to no end.

I still feel like the gig will probably go well tonight. Eileen is dropping me off at 8 and coming back around 9:20 when I go on.

Since I have rented a piano and am planning to only play that tonight, set-up is much easier. I am arriving before the first act goes on so that we can putz around before he starts and then sit and listen to him.

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