O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!" He chortled in his joy

Man, oh man! My trio rehearsed for the first time yesterday and it was a gas. Chamber music is such fun. My cohorts are very fine musicians and seemed to enjoy themselves as much as me.

We went through a couple of Mozart trio movements and then the entire first movement of Mendelssohn’s D minor trio (link to an online streaming recording, I hope!). We took it a tad slower than this recording. But Dawn the cellist recognized the piece and felt that our tempo was actually pretty good for a final choice.

I was walking on air the rest of the day.

Flying :   [comic/story/page=12a  p.12]

After rehearsal I met with my boss, always something I look forward to. I’m so glad I work for this person.

After I got home I received a call from my Mom.

Two of her old friends (George Jordan and Hilda Neff) were sitting in her room and would like to see me. I knew they were coming, but not when. I drove over and hugged them and chatted them up a bit.

They looked great. Hilda even said she reads this blog. Heh. Hi Hilda!

They took Mom for a bite to eat and I said good by and came home and made supper for Eileen and me.

Life is good.

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