O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

A tank exiting a city maze.

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! The new New Yorker came today.

O frabjous day! | Jabberwocky, Humanoid sketch, Art

The short story is a new one by George Saunders. I’ve already read it. I do like this guy and a new short story by him is something to celebrate.

Here’s the link “The Mom of Bold Action,” by George Saunders

A can opener suspended in the sky


It's hot out! | Summer heat humor, Charlie brown, Snoopy

It is hot in Holland. Eileen hasn’t been taking her daily walk because it’s too hot. We were planning to go out to eat today. We are not eating at inside restaurants these days because of the heightened Covid transmission. We were planning to sit outside at the Ottawa Beach Inn. Nope. Too dam hot. I pity poor street musicians this evening.

10 Frances Bavier ideas | frances bavier, andy griffith, the andy griffith  show

I made bread this morning. Eileen did some more canning. Thank goodness for AC.

1954 ... I say 2-mA-toe! | Vintage housewife, Vintage ads, Retro housewife

I also went grocery shopping after Eileen and I moved furniture around in the house. We moved a chair out to the porch and moved two chairs from the porch into the living room. We moved the head board of the old bed frame from the study/guest bedroom to the basement.

Eileen is bidding on a book shelf that we will put in the study/guest bedroom. I filled a flimsy metal set of shelves with books but it’s too precarious. We’re trying to have this done in time for Mark and Leigh to visit next week and not have to sleep in a room with a dangerous book shelf. We will have to do something else if Eileen doesn’t win her bid.

I am exhausted.

New Study Finds 73% of Independent Musicians Suffer From Symptoms of Mental  Illness | Billboard | Billboard

I think the silly retirement thing has turned into a low hum in my life since having to fend off crazy shit for this upcoming weekend. I am hopeful that I won’t have to do much extra stuff for this Sunday where they are planning to honor me. This is not to say that I have fended all silliness off because church family systems like this have a way of catching you off guard. I think my awareness of this is part of the low hum. I can’t wait to be completely done with this gig.

Ives: String Quartet No. 1

I ordered study scores of Charles Ives’s string quartets. They run 50 bucks new but I was able to get used copies. We’ll see how they turn out. I had bad luck with inter library loaning these. They came as sets of string parts but no score. Fuck.

I’m hoping that what I ordered today will allow me to study them.

I did discover that the second string quartet is online in Ives manuscript: Charles Ives String Quartet 2 manuscript online

Off course his handwriting is not very user friendly but might come in handy if I had a printed score.


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