Getting this up a bit late today. Ah well.
Last Sunday we did a soprano descant I composed the day before. The hymntune was Sursum Corda. The text in the Hymnal 1982 was “Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our guest.” From a cursory glance both of these (tune and text) were in the Hymnal 1940 but were not paired. I think the hymn tune melody is an example of the simple elegance sometimes achieved in the Anglican tradition. And I was happy with my little descant.
I have put up a Jpeg of it here. If you read this and want a PDF, let me know.
I keep composing.
I don’t mean to necessarily. I have ideas but no real time to work on them. And then I was rehearsing this hymn and I heard a lovely little descant that was not too high and would match the tune nicely.
I chose music for a week from Sunday yesterday. I am planing to play a couple of movements from Clerambault’s suite on the second tone.
“Recit de Nazard” for the prelude.
“Basse de cromorne” for the postlude.
I played the entire suite on an undergrad recital. I do like the music.
The Reading Brain in the Digital Age: The Science of Paper versus Screens: Scientific American
This is the best article I have read on this subject. It asks some very astute questions and cites some cool studies.
I also find it kind of hilarious that it will not display a single page to be read. Flipping between frames doesn’t allow me to refer back into an article, something I do regularly.
For the Elderly, Diseases That Overlap – Interactive Feature –
This has some fun moving pictures that illustrate the statistics.
What a Fighter Jet Could Buy 60 Years After Eisenhower’s Chance for Peace Speech –
Guns or butter. I think Eisenhower had an opinion that would not be popular now.
Dr. King’s Righteous Fury –
This makes King’s voice more clear and sheds some of the silly nostalgia that has been building around his leadership.
U.S. Practiced Torture After 9/11, Nonpartisan Review Concludes –
Sooprise. Sooprise. Torture really is evil. My country really did it. Time to change the rules back.
Hunger Striking at Guantánamo Bay –
Speaking of evil. Terrible things being done to people like incarceration without possibility of trial.
Avoiding Emergency Rooms –
The greatest country in the world has no clue about health care.
Live Music Soothes Premature Babies, a New Study Finds –
Yay live music!
Judge holds self in contempt for his smartphone | Michigan Radio
For some reason this makes me think of James Brown.
” Sometimes I feel so nice, good Lord! I jump back, I wanna kiss myself! I’ve got soul, huh, and I’m super bad, HEY!”
Planet Pyongyang – Newsweek and The Daily Beast
Some warnings about North Korea you don’t hear so much.
Turkish Pianist Sentenced for Twitter Postings –
This makes me crazy.