nothing nothing post

Thursdays seem to be turning into a good day in general. I meet with my trio and my boss on this day.  Both are a delight.

The trio walked through music for Sunday and the upcoming 2/14 recital. I consulted with them about trimming the number of pieces on the recital down a bit.  We decided to do one of the Gibbons Viol Fantasies instead of two. We ran through a little transcription I did of William Byrd’s Wolseys Wilde (without the viola).  I had them listen carefully with me to how I am playing the second violin part in the Lotti Sanctus. We are doing this piece Sunday as well as a movement from a Lotti trio sonata. In each case my right hand is playing the second violin part.

Bach does this with some of his Flute sonatas.  The problem is that the modern instruments are much louder than my old klunky harpsichord. After some listening and discussion, Amy and Dawn helped me decide to double the R.H. in the choral piece but just play it normally in the “trio.”

I tuned my harpsichord before our rehearsal. After my meeting with Pastor Jen, I sat down and played for about an hour. I find that making adjustments (which is a royal pain) does pay off. I did some switching of jacks and adjusting the lengths of the plectrum yesterday.

I played Bach’s A major suite all the way through. This is something because I find that Bach’s music exploits the harpsichord in a way that if it’s not in top running shape is quite frustrating. Yesterday not so much frustration. Nice.

Went grocery shopping afterwards. Came home and made wraps for Eileen and me for supper. Peanut Butter and Apple for her, homemade guacamole for me. Mmm mmm.

This morning I did one of my errands sitting at the computer. I contracted with the local paper for an Ad for my concert. I do like doing it that way.

Called my Mom and invited to take her to lunch (she usually pays, but I drive, heh). She was game  so that’s the plan. Also planning to distribute posters for my concert this morning and take her to Dittos (the used shop) this afternoon.

Hey life is good.

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