I’m afraid I was a little glum and cranky yesterday. I know I’m hard to be around when I’m like this. I finally retreated to the organ bench to isolate myself. I read through music. I haven’t had much of a chance to this yet with the Pasi. Before I knew it, an hour had passed. I quickly rehearsed upcoming music then went home.
Eileen is planning on canning tomatoes today. I need to get some steps done toward being ready for the first choir rehearsal a week from tomorrow.
My copy of The Stillness of the World Before Bach by Lars Gustafsson came in the mail yesterday. I am truly spoiled.
Cure Yourself of Tree Blindness – The New York Times
This article inspired me to think more about the trees I see. The huge tree in our backyard is obviously a Maple. But what kind? I down loaded a tree i.d. app for my phone this morning. I do like trees, that’s for sure.
Brian Aldiss, Author of Science Fiction and Much More, Dies at 92 – The New York Times
Another Sci Fi guy bites the dust.
Fascism, American Style – The New York Times
I am appalled of course by the President’s pardon of Arapaio. Of course he is elderly (and retired I guess) and is only doing symbolic damage at this point.
George Smiley and Other Old Friends Return in John le Carré’s ‘A Legacy of Spies’ – The New York Times
Coming in September. Yay!
How Hurricane Harvey Became So Destructive – The New York Times
Some interesting stuff in this. Comments are also worth browsing.
Mark Lilla Talks to David Remnick About Identity Politics and the Democratic Party | The New Yorker
I listened to this podcast this morning. I’m not sure what I think of Lilla’s approach.
Then I found this interview by Remnick:

Which Tree ID app? I’d like one. We live in the woods, and being in Cincinnati, we tend to have a handful of trees not frequently seen in Michigan.
Virginia Tech Tree I.D. is the name of the app. It’s free. It can figure out exactly where you are and then tell you what species are found near you. Here’s the link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.pottssoftware.agps21&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsIm9yZy5wb3R0c3NvZnR3YXJlLmFncHMyMSJd