nothing much today, mostly links

Image result for george c scott dr strangelove

I’m afraid I was a little glum and cranky yesterday. I know I’m hard to be around when I’m like this. I finally retreated to the organ bench to isolate myself. I read through music. I haven’t had much of a chance to this yet with the Pasi. Before I knew it, an hour had passed. I quickly rehearsed upcoming music then went home.

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Eileen is planning on canning tomatoes today. I need to get some steps done toward being ready for the first choir rehearsal a week from tomorrow.

Image result for bullwinkle poetry corner

My copy of The Stillness of the World Before Bach by  Lars Gustafsson  came in the mail yesterday. I am truly spoiled.

Image result for Lars Gustafsson the stillness of the world before bach

Cure Yourself of Tree Blindness – The New York Times

This article inspired me to think more about the trees I see. The huge tree in our backyard is obviously a Maple. But what kind? I down loaded a tree i.d. app for my phone this morning. I do like trees, that’s for sure.

Brian Aldiss, Author of Science Fiction and Much More, Dies at 92 – The New York Times

Another Sci Fi guy bites the dust.

Fascism, American Style – The New York Times

I am appalled of course by the President’s pardon of Arapaio. Of course he is elderly (and retired I guess) and is only doing symbolic damage at this point.

George Smiley and Other Old Friends Return in John le Carré’s ‘A Legacy of Spies’ – The New York Times

Coming in September. Yay!

More Eric Foner.

How Hurricane Harvey Became So Destructive – The New York Times

Some interesting stuff in this. Comments are also worth browsing.

Mark Lilla Talks to David Remnick About Identity Politics and the Democratic Party | The New Yorker

I listened to this podcast this morning. I’m not sure what I think of Lilla’s approach.

Then I found this interview by Remnick:

 I bookmarked it to read.
Image result for mark lilla once and future liberal


2 thoughts on “nothing much today, mostly links

  1. Which Tree ID app? I’d like one. We live in the woods, and being in Cincinnati, we tend to have a handful of trees not frequently seen in Michigan.

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