not time to quit therapy yet




This is an update photo of Grace’s new organ. I put it up on Facelessbooker, but thought I would put it here as well.

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I’m writing on Friday afternoon. I had a nice chat with Dr. Birky, my therapist. Today after our session (which was mostly about music again), he said he would be willing to renegotiate our work together if I wanted to. I took this to mean that I could lower the frequency of our sessions or even put them on hold.

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I told him that I had encouraged my Mom to have a talk shrink so that if she needed some help she wouldn’t have to meet someone. Dr. Birky pointed out the benefit of meeting with someone like him includes a conversation where I don’t have to think about reciprocity and could just concentrate on my own stuff. I said to him that I appreciated the way he does inject himself as an authentic person from time to time in our conversations. I like this dude. And of course I like to talk and seem to have no problem chatting with him. Not time to quit yet.

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I am tired this afternoon. After my therapist appointment I went directly to St. Francis and practiced for about an hour. I am planning to play a couple Schubert piano sonata movements next Ash Wed at Eucharist, so i have to practice that today. Actually I already have practiced a bit on one of them before Eileen got up.

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