not so much on Sunday afternoon


Lucy and Sarah were up at 5 AM with me this morning. Lucy seemed completely at home. She went right to her toy box yesterday after they arrived. Eileen and I went to church this morning. We drove again (usually we walk). My foot is mending but wasn’t sure if a half mile walk before playing a service was a smart idea.

Good crowd at church. Lots of participation. Believe it or not, I like the hymns from today especially “I bind myself” (St. Patrick’s Breastplate) and All Glory Be to the O God (Allein Gott).



We sang all the verses of “I bind unto myself” at the Offertory including the completely contrasting section that begins “Christ be with me”

I’m thinking of jumping in the car and going over to church for a little Sunday afternoon practice. Lucy, Sarah, and Eileen are sitting in the yard.


‘This deepening division is not inevitable’: The failing diversity efforts of newsrooms – Columbia Journalism Review

I have gradually been getting more involved with twitter. This link came across my feed and looks good.

NYTimes: Trump Pardons Jack Johnson, Heavyweight Boxing Champion

Kevin Young writes poems about Jack Johnson so I was aware of who he was before this.

NYTimes: Was Slavery a Factor in the Second Amendment?

Yes. Fact.

NYTimes: The Elevation of Imprecision

Charles Blow on a roll.

I can’t figure out why Judy Woodruff didn’t see to it that this revelation was carried on News Hour. This adds shocking clarity to Trump’s behavior and motivation.

The Complete Jerusalem Statement | GAFCON

I recently found out that there is a local small church that calls itself “Anglican” and subscribes to this weird document. It all seems like a historic knee jerk reaction to the first ordination of an openly gay bishop (Gene Robinson). I’ll have to ask my boss about it when I see her.

BBC World Service – Business Daily, Europe’s Data D-Day

At about minute 8 on this report my brilliant son-n-law, Jeremy Daum, is eloquent about shit he knows about. Makes me proud!


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