not much today


Image result for harpsichord Christopher Brodersen studio northville

I finally heard back from Chris Brodersen (pictured above). He is not enthusiastic about restoring an old Zuckerman, but said he would do it. Cool. I have asked him when I can bring it to his Northville workshop for an estimate and repair. I can’t believe I’m getting closer to getting my little Zuckerman back in working order.

Image result for harpsichord Christopher Brodersen studio northville

Choir starts Wednesday. I’m feeling on schedule. Eileen will help me get the folders ready. I already have all but two of the anthems between now and Advent laying out ready to stuff.

I continue to work daily on “Mental Floss.” This morning I put in yesterday’s corrections. I’m feeling very tired this afternoon. I’m quite likely not going to go back to church to practice upcoming music. Mostly I have the Calvin Hampton piece to work on. And to continue to work on “Mental Floss” at the bench.

Music at church today went buy valium xanax online well. I had a parishioner indicate they wanted to join the choir. That’s new. We haven’t had a new member for several years.

The cult of the individual – Susan Tomes

Susan Tomes is an English pianist whose blog I read regularly. This entry is depressing since it talks about the reluctance of music students to attend master classes. What the heck?

A Controversial Restoration That Wipes Away the Past – The New York Times

Black Madonna a result of direct grime? Who knew?

As Bike-Sharing Brings Out Bad Manners, China Asks, What’s Wrong With Us? – The New York Times

The public commons is something I thing about quite a lot. I’m encourage this kind of discussion is going on anywhere in the world.

Human Toll of Harvey Comes Into View as Waters Recede – The New York Times

This article clarifies how people died in Harvey. I always wonder about what causes the deaths.


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