not much to say today

So this what Jordan Peele’s been up to. Eileen and I watching our way through a bunch of Key and Peele shows. That series ended in 2015 apparently. This looks like fun. I like the way Rod Serling’s voice morphs into Peele’s.

Image result for jordan peele twilight zone

I am still bouncing back from my hives. Today is my fourth day of taking mega doses of prednisone. I took 40 grams for three days. Today I take 30 grams. It keeps stepping down over the course of twelve days.

I find that I don’t really have too much to blog about today. I met with Dr. Birky this morning. I continue to appreciate the timeĀ  that he and I spend together. I think it helps to have someone listen to me closely.

Right now I’m waiting for my friend Rhonda to drop by for a chat and maybe some piano duets.

Eileen came home from Whitehall last night with a Mini full of stuff from her Mom’s house: plates, knitting stuff, and sundry items. She left it in the car last night but brought it in today while I was gone.

Tonight is the first Great Performance Series Concert. We have tickets.

Image result for bryn cohn  and artists

The concert with be a dance concert featuring Bryn Cohn and Artists a New York based contemporary dance company.

Yesterday I hadĀ  my piano tuned. It sounds much better. I contracted with the piano guy to come back next month and do some adjusting for me and fix a broken sustain pedal.


You can I don’t have much today. But life is good.


2 thoughts on “not much to say today

    1. I didn’t see you either. I enjoyed it. I think I understood the Chopin piece the best. I was impressed by the skills of the dancers and choreography.

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