not much to say on Wed afternoon


Eileen and I did “date day” yesterday. Her Mini didn’t break down. Last time we tried to do one of these the Subaru stopped. It’s still sitting at the car place waiting its turn I guess.

Monday evening Eileen was tired. So even though it was her birthday she opted out of going out to eat and asked if we could stay home and play Scrabble.  So we’ll probably go out tomorrow evening to her favorite restaurant.

My doctor finally contacted me about getting a check up. I’m glad on the one hand because I was afraid they were waiting for me to log on to their silly app before informing me I needed a check up. But on the other hand I have about ten extra pounds I have gained and I’m not very happy about that.

My BP has been a bit lower over all since deciding to retire.

Today after breakfast and boggle, Eileen and I went to the church and worked on the mess. I have stacks of stuff that need to be sorted. Some of it needs to be filed, some discarded. Eileen is immensely helpful with this stuff. I worked on the instrumental music and she worked on the choral music. We made some head way.

I’m trying to resist bringing stuff home from church. Today, I did pull a few things like the Mendelssohn Piano concerto for two pianos. I do like Mendelsohn.

I am leaving a ton of music and not just organ music. I figure if for some reason I wanted to look at any of it, I will probably have access to it. If not, it’s not that big a deal.

After I got back home I discovered that I was exhausted. It was a little bit physical, but there is a certain amount of emotional drain going through all the stuff at church and trying to leave it in some semblance of order.

Eileen ordered a dish washer. It’s suppose to arrive at the local store tomorrow. Then they will arrange to deliver it. That’ll be weird.

I have been wondering about how listens to classical music these days. Recently on one of the later episodes of the Radiolab series on Harry Pace, they talked about Roland Hayes.

Roland Hayes | Harris Arts Center

Neither moderator seemed to have ever heard of the song, “Were you there.” Sheesh.

I think accessing music online gives me a bit of a warped view of how many people listen to classical music.


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