not fit to be with man nor beast


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I went a little crazy on Tuesday and made bread, cooked squash, and roasted peppers. I guess we’re basically living on home made bread since trying to follow Lustig’s ideas about only eating real food and drastically cutting down on foods with additives in them.

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Yesterday at the end of the day Eileen pointed out that I had been my own worse enemy all day.

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She was right of course. In the afternoon I went to church to work and told her she didn’t need to come and help me. This was mostly because I wasn’t fit to be with man nor beast as they say.

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I’m not sure where my bad mood came from if it came from anywhere.  I tried to do some planning for upcoming anthems for the choir while I was at church. In the middle of this my computer died (needed charging).

I do think my new tack with my student worked.

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I told him we would try to have more fun and had him play through some easier Liszt, Tchaikovsky, and Rimsky-Korsakov.

And rehearsal went well in the evening.

My piano trio rehearsal today was lots of fun. In addition to working on our Clara Schumann piece, we played Oblivion on Piazolla.

Here’s a nice rendition of the same arrangement.

And about five or so minutes of this lovely Beethoven piano trio.

I came home and played through the entire movement. Nice stuff.




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