no time to blog yesterday



My nephew Ben Jenkins visited this weekend. This meant I had  someone to talk to (listen to me?) on Sunday morning. Hence no blog yesterday.

Ben joined us for a lovely meal with the Edgington fam last night.

Then he attended church with Eileen and me. I don’t remember when someone from my extended family came to church with us. It was kind of fun.

I tried to get my Mom to come over for a cookout, but her leg was hurting her so she demurred.

We had a great cookout. Eileen BBQed ribs and I cut up a bunch of veggies and made rice.

We went over and said hi to Mom. Ben hung around a bit and chatted and then took off.

My cup runneth over with good conversation and company.

This morning I got up and made little egg souflés for Eileen and me for breakfast.

I am baking strawberry tarts as I write this. Here’s what they looked like before I put them in.

I think summer is here.

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