no time to blog now, looking at cool online resources

I don’t have a lot of time to blog this morning before church since I got distracted by the candy shop of online resources via my staff status at Hope College.

I have been reading about metrical psalmody. I have been wondering about what is available online. I would be interested in looking at the texts of the early English psalters and comparing them to the other English translations of the time like the Geneva Bible.

I started poking around and decided to explore the Hope stuff online and bookmark the portals for future reference (this having nothing to do with the topic I was thinking about).

I have heard of the Nexis Lexis database but never buy real valium online used it. Hope links in for its staff and teachers. I couldn’t think of much more than, Wow! I have access to this powerful tool.

Then there’s Ebrary.  A collection of online texts.

Amazing. I’m still getting up to speed on this one. I have used it in the past, but am had difficulty this morning getting the book I tried to pull up to work.

Besides many of the huge Oxford collection of information and texts I can also access online texts from its sister press, Cambridge.

The possibilities are drawing me away from blogging  right now.  Over and out.


The Climate Change Tipping Point –

“Tipping Point” as an important concept in general and specific.


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