no time to blog, have to get to work

Two more days of ballet camp and then my time becomes my own again. This morning I had to spend most of my blogging time preparing information for my meeting today with Pastor Jen this morning.

She has mentioned that this fall might be a good time to begin chanting psalms in the liturgy. I wanted to show her the psalter resource that we are already subscribing to (St James Press). I printed up the psalm for this weekend and next so she can get an idea how these settings would work.

Unfortunately I now have little time before I have to eat and zip off to my first ballet class.

Here are the links I have been skipping posting the last few days.  I’m limiting my comments on them  to save time.

Thousands Gather in Tokyo to Protest Nuclear Restart –

Navy Ship Fires on Boat in the Persian Gulf –

Active-duty suicide numbers decline in June – Army News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq – Army Times

Bob Babbitt, famed popular music bassist, dies at age 74 | Tune In Music City | The Tennessean

Five Obamacare Myths –

Policy and the Personal –

Distributing, Then Confiscating, Condoms –

The Moral Case for Drones –

I have to mention here that I am still skeptical about remote killing, but this article explains some best case scenario approach.

To kill, or not to kill? –

Shakespeare in South Africa and American prisons.

The End of Privacy? –

Can Liberal Christianity Be Saved? –

This stirred my brother and my boss to link the following eloquent rebuttal:

Diana Butler Bass: Can Christianity Be Saved? A Response to Ross Douthat

The Science of Compassion –

F.D.A. Surveillance of Scientists Spread to Outside Critics –

I love the inadvertent fuck-up.

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