no time for pics today, barely time to blog


It’s almost 4 PM here in Holland Michigan. I usually write in the morning, but my brother and my sister-in-law were visiting so I skipped it this morning.

I am beginning to think I have a bit of my groove back after Easter and Hope College exhaustion. My class was thankfully canceled this morning. Eileen broke the upstairs bathroom sink drain last night (she was trying to fix it). So Mark, Leigh and I waited for the plumber while she went off and practiced “Peter and the Wolfe.” This is a bit of role reversal. Her leaving to do music. But I quite like it.

Sunday night Leigh, Mark, Eileen and I had a nice meal out together at the CityVu Bistro.

Today Mark convinced Mom to get out of her room and have lunch with us. She was in the mood for a burger and wanted to pick up some food from Wendys and go to our house and eat it. So that’s what we did. Eileen had to be at work around noon so she couldn’t join us for this.

In a few minutes I will make Eileen and me sandwiches and take food over for her lunch break.

It’s been a very relaxing day for me.


Margaret Thatcher, Conservative Who Reforged Britain, Dies –

This obit in today’s NYT is one of the reasons I like reading the NYT. It provides a thorough over view of Thatcher’s life in politics and government. Helpful to review even though I was aware of her throughout most of her public life.


A Passion for Reading –

The Real Deal –

These are a couple of letters to the editors link. In the first one the letter writer says what I often think —- that we are risking the loss of passion for learning as an end in and of itself. In the second link, Deborah Tannen writes to the NYT and has some salient insights (I admire her and have read books by her).


Q. and A.: Tracy Thompson on ‘The New Mind of the South’ –

Having lived in the South I found this interview fascinating.


Can We Get Hillary Without the Foolery? –

I read Maureen Dowd but don’t often link her in. This is one of her better efforts.


Edith Schaeffer, 98, Dies – Defined Christian Values –

I am reading a book by the son of this woman so I was surprised to see her obit.


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