new music

Using Spotify, I’m working my way through Largehearted Boy’s interesting music of the week.

File:R.E.M. - Collapse into Now.jpg

Did you know R.E.M. released an album in March of 2011? I sampled this album and put four tunes on my new music play list.  So far I kind of like the cut, Überlin, which apparently was released as a single in January, 2011. “Oh My Heart” is tribute to New Orleans.

Spotify didn’t have tracks by all of the artists on Largehearted Boy’s list. But here are some of them. Click on the album cover to go to a related site. I’ve only put videos up of tunes I kind of like.

Stranger me

I think that’s enough for today’s post.

Fellow Prisoners
by John Berger July 2011

“I’m looking for nothing more than a figurative image to serve as a landmark. Landmarks don’t fully explain themselves, but they offer a reference point that can be shared. In this they are like the tacit assumptions contained in popular proverbs. Without landmarks there is the great human risk of turning in circles.

The landmark I’ve found is that of prison. Nothing less. Across the planet we are living in a prison.”


Messing With Medicare –

“Medicare, with all its flaws, works better than private insurance. It has less bureaucracy and, hence, lower administrative costs than private insurers. It has been more successful in controlling costs. While Medicare expenses per beneficiary have soared over the past 40 years, they’ve risen significantly less than private insurance premiums.”


More Than Kin, and Less Than Kind –

Shakespeare and the Murdochs….. very cool.


Europe Turns to the Cloud –


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