new bookshop and new book


The Bluestocking Bookshop - Home | Facebook

I found a new bookshop in my home town.  I was talking to my brother and he mentioned shopping at his locally owned bookshop, Serendipity Books, via  He is friends with the proprietor and actually turned her on to She said that it was very convenient for her as a bookstore owner to sell through this website. She doesn’t have to do anything like mess with shipping and she receives 30%  of any book ordered there under her bookshop name.

So I went to the site and allowed it to figure out my location. Bang. It recommended a bookstore here in Holland I didn’t know existed. As far as I can figure, it opened late last year. I wish I had known about it before Covid, because they carry used books as well as new.

The Bluestocking Bookshop opens, boasts wide range of titles ...

Dam. But anyway I can support this store by ordering through Both this store and the store near my brother have responded to the Covid 19 quarantine by offering appointments to buyers. I’m not sure how Bluestocking works but Serendipty allows buyers to book a 30 minute interval where they can come and shop. Mark said he hadn’t done that because he was afraid he would only chat up the store owner and not look at books since they are already friends and colleagues (she’s in his writers group).

I just looked through the list that Bluestocking offers through and it’s not very long. I’d love to order something through them but I didn’t see anything yet. I’ll have to keep figuring this stuff out but I’m very glad to find out about this bookstore and the website

New Releases :: Coming Soon :: Art Young's Inferno

I was chatting with my brother because I had called him up to thank him for drop shipping me Art Young’s Inferno. Art Young was a socialist cartoonist in the thirties. He is enjoying a revival and part of that is the republication of this book. Mark has had his eye on it since last year and mentioned to me that he would have given me a copy of it for Christmas but it hadn’t been published yet.

Woo hoo!

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