my own tombstone


While I definitely find thinking about my death frightening, thinking about my own mortality is something I have done regularly  all my life. In the song above (which I have been listening to on and off since my teens), the narrator of the song keeps running across his own tombstone. It has always struck me as a poem about how none of us escape mortality.

Image result for nobody gets out alive

I’m not considering changing how I’m living my life just because I may possibly have cancer throughout my body. I’m living my life now the way I want to. Not much to change other than accommodating the way my body doesn’t work the way it used to.

I tell the story about how John Hartford found out he didn’t have long to live. His response was to practice harder. Mine may be to try to read faster or at least more, learn more Greek, and keep playing music.

Guide to Staging — Melanoma –

Sorry to be so morbid about this stuff, but this is a page I found helpful.

China’s Xinhua agency unveils AI news presenter

Weird stuff.

NYTimes: Who Owns the Supreme Court?

I appreciate Greenspan.

Reigns of Terror in America | The New Yorker


“the bloody-mindedness of deranged and broken men can be countered only by principle and fortitude…}

I don’t remember if I shared this link or not. I think I put it up on Facebook. It’s written by Jill Lepore author of These Truths.

Image result for jill lepore these truths


2 thoughts on “my own tombstone

  1. Hey Dad. I saw the AI thing in the news…that was really creepy but I believe unavailable…thinking about u guys…my opinion is don’t worry about posting morbid stuff it’s all just stuff anyway right? as long as you keep posting so I can continue to sift through and read about you and what I like about your blogger. =^)
    David J

    1. David,

      I plan to keep posting here and keeping people up to date with emails when I have news. As always, thanks for reading!

      love from Dad

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