My brother! My sister!

Matthew, one of my two stellar quasi sons-in-law, took pity on me and sent me a copy of the Frank Zappa Songbook. This is the book I recently lost an ebay bid on. Bless his heart. Thank you Matthew.

I woke up worrying about all the stuff I have to do to keep my parents afloat this week. I made a list and it doesn’t seem like too much. Except I am concerned about the fact that the DHS asset declaration and subsequent medicaid app is stalled and the medicaid office seems to be bogged down with computer problems. Usually I try to take Mondays off, but today I have several things scheduled including an afternoon performance, an evening rehearsal and dropping off Mom’s car to the dealer for an estimate.

Yesterday’s service went fine. I did play marimba and that went okay. Several people listened to my six pages of Sowerby mentioned yesterday. The choir managed to pull off a minimal blend and a decent performance of the anthem for the day: “God So Loved the World.” Later at my Dad’s nursing home, even though it wasn’t clear that he recognized Eileen and me (“My brother! My sister!”), he was able to sing several lines of this old anthem by John Stainer back to me from me seated in his PCP walker. 

I think the pipes on his walker look like PCP pipe. Later I mentioned to Eileen that Dad’s use of “brother” and “sister” probably were vestiges of church talk. Since she pointed out that Dad didn’t have a sister. 

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