my alienated alley


I’m working from our bigger laptop this morning. The old one is still working but now I figure it’s only a matter of time before it collapses. We are in a full blown austerity budgeting situation due to our recent gallivanting about the country. So I don’t think we’ll be hiring anyone to fix the old laptop for awhile. That worked before. Maybe we’ll do that again.

In the meantime, I’m trying to make our stupid stupid Windows 8 big laptop work a bit better. This morning with a little googling I managed to get my cursor back in Chrome. It has been gone for a while. I’m hoping the fix I did will last a bit longer this time.  For what it’s worth I found the fix here.

I finished the 2002 article, “Richard Hooker’s Reputation” by Diarmaid MacCulloch this morning. It’s not available online so no link. If you should perversely desire a copy, email me.

I started reading this in California because I missed MacCulloch’s prose and insights. Although I’m not that educated around the history of the Episcopal church, I found this article interesting. There was even a telling insight in the conclusion of the article that I feel impelled to share here, since it’s too esoteric for Facebooger (hah)


”The disputes which currently wrack Western Christianity are superficially about sexuality, social conduct or leadership style: at root, they are about what constitutes authority for Christians.The contest for the soul of the Church in the West rages around the question as to how a scripture claiming divine revelation relates to those other perennial sources of human revelation, personal collective consciousness and memory; whether, indeed, there can be any relationship between the two.”

Although your eyes probably glazed over as you attacked the quote, it is quite salient to all the hubbub on same-sex marriage and other “social issues” that are befuddling Christian churches. I offer here in case one or two of my readers might be interested.

I continue to be appalled at the lack of simple reasoning and civility on Facebooger. I will probably persist in trying to add my reasoned, civil two cents, but it feels more and more futile.

I think it relates to how people are getting and processing information. It seems many people are only seeking out information sources that are basically polemic and not reportorial. This contributes to the short-sightedness of people I care about on Facebooger.

The intense rhetoric which seems to be borrowed from right wing propaganda sources shuts down all discussion. Name calling and outright misinformation is some of the main currency of this conversation. I can only shake my head and wonder at it.

On the other hand, Facebooger has helped me find some new music. Example:

My great niece shared this and commented that she is in it. Well. She’s in the crowd of zillions of people. But this is a cool song, I think.

Of course I love the hazmat/gasmask dancers. Right up my alienated alley.



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