music stuff & links

click on the pic for the pdf

So my little anthem worked out well yesterday. I designed it so that it could be done by almost any group of singers that showed up. I took the melody from the hymnal, retained the original bass line, omitted the later composed alto and tenor, added a descant like soprano line.  That way I could omit any line except the melody.

I have added the updated version of the anthem to my free music page.

I was glad to see the usual group of singers yesterday to perform this anthem. It would have been nice if some other singers had taken me up on my usual fall invitations to join.

I also wrote a descant for the opening hymn.

click on the pic for the pdf

A copy of this is also available on my music page.

I played pretty well yesterday. Prelude and postlude went well. It’s hard to be heard over crowd noise during the postlude. But I prefer the energy to silence.

Finished reading this book on Friday. Pretty good stuff.

Started reading American Gods by Neil Gaiman this weekend.

I have been confusing him in my mind with Neil Stephenson.

I’m about half way through Anathem. But Gaiman interests me more right now and my brother, Mark, has graciously given me the ebook to read.

I continue to find Badura-Skoda very helpful. This morning I sat and marked an old copy of Bach keyboard suites and partitas with notations from Badua-Skoda. Seems like there is a musical example I want to remember on almost every page.

I have a newer copy of the dover Bach at work. I have been seriously thinking of purchasing Neue-Bach-Ausgabe versions which reflect better scholarship.

The problem is that they are expensive and I will have to buy several volumes in order to get the suites, partitas, Goldberg and other works I already own.


Arguably – Essays — By Christopher Hitchens — Book Review –

Was sorely tempted to purchase the ebook version of this book this weekend. I resisted, but it’s only a matter of time before I get this book by Hitchens.  I enjoy reading him even though I don’t share all of his conclusions or points of view. A helluva writer and very erudite.


Japanese Official Resigns Over Radiation Joke –

“According to Japanese newspaper reports, Mr. Hachiro, who was wearing protective clothing, moved as if to wipe his sleeve against a reporter and jokingly said, “Look out, radiation!”


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