movies and books

I learned of Christian Marclay’s 24 hour movie/art installation In Zadie Smith’s essay,  “Killing Orson Welles at Midnight” (pdf of the essay)

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If you’re interested I recommend reading Smith’s essay before looking at clips of the movie.

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It’s great fun. it’s designed to play in real time so that the minutes that click off in the movie clips would represent the actual passing time. It’s a cool idea. There are tons of clips online. I’ll leave it you, dear reader, to explore them if you want.

The actual installation will be at the Tate museum in London from 14 September 2018 to 20 January 2019. When I pointed this out to Eileen just now, she said, “I’m game.” Maybe we could work it in with Lucy-Sarah-Matthew visit. Who knows?

Hey. A new movie that looks like I might enjoy it. Cool. It’s only playing in Grand Rapids locally.

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So yesterday was John Clare’s birthday. I heard about it on the vestigial version of Garrison Keillor’s post sexual harassment Writers Almanac. He sounded a bit familiar. Sure enough he ended up at St. Andrew’s  asylum in North Hampton.

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Then I recalled his walk on role in volume 3 of Alan Moore’s Jerusalem in the difficult chapter 8. Perusing his wikipedia entry reveals that Moore has used him in another book, his first novel, Voice of the Fire. I’ve already ordered a copy of it. Heh.

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Here’s a cool cover of this book:

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I think I’m going to have read everything Alan Moore has written.

Image result for voice of the fire alan moore

The death of truth: how we gave up on facts and ended up with Trump | Books | The Guardian

Another astute looking article on the current lamentable situation in my country. I’ve bookmarked this one to read as well as the Madeline Albright article. So far I haven’t been able to bring myself to read them. But I will! I will!

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